Swish The shrill alarm pierced the silence, sounding twice, jolting her from her daydreams with its high-pitched urgency. mp3 m4r ogg
Lots of data It was the sound he had been waiting for, signaling the trimuphant end of the task. mp3 m4r ogg
Forced out Hard to describe but it should be something with robots squirting oil after being in a state of great distress. mp3 m4r ogg
Alien technology The otherworldly sound filled the room with a sense of wonder and a hint of unease. mp3 m4r ogg
Cable unplugged An abrupt, static-filled cut-off, like a radio signal lost in the middle of an important transmission. mp3 m4r ogg
Aliens stealing our clocks A cartoonish clock sound, sweeping and increasing in pitch, as if it's whimsically taking off. mp3 m4r ogg
Maidenly A soft, short sound gently broke the silence, subtly hinting at an error, like a polite cough in a quiet room. mp3 m4r ogg
Shield As the enemy's attack hit, it sounded like a high-energy laser striking a solid shield. mp3 m4r ogg
Chimes power down Things were going so well, then suddenly everything seemed to come to a halt. mp3 m4r ogg
Small tip The chirp caught her attention. "A sound so fleeting, yet so memorable", she thought. mp3 m4r ogg