You there? (deep male voice) You there, he asked, hoping for a response from the person on the other end of the line. mp3 m4r ogg
Long tail ringing sound A high-pitched sound with a long, drawn-out tail, with a rush feel and an intriguing vibe. mp3 m4r ogg
Dogged The sonic embodiment of determination. A persistent, dogged sound, refusing to be ignored. mp3 m4r ogg
Lots of data It was the sound he had been waiting for, signaling the trimuphant end of the task. mp3 m4r ogg
Shield As the enemy's attack hit, it sounded like a high-energy laser striking a solid shield. mp3 m4r ogg
Chimes power down Things were going so well, then suddenly everything seemed to come to a halt. mp3 m4r ogg
No more waiting The sweet, fairy-tale melody signalled that something long-awaited had finally come into being. mp3 m4r ogg
Friendly nudge The gentle, persuasive sound, urged him to reconsider hist action. It was not a command, but a friendly nudge in the right direction. mp3 m4r ogg
Hey (kiss) He attempted to convey intimacy and tenderness but frankly he came off as cheesy. mp3 m4r ogg