Cyberincident In the midst of digital mayhem, a sinister whisper echoed through the wires. mp3 m4r ogg
Arrogant Like telling someone to blow off. Kinda rude, but that makes it a nice error sound! mp3 m4r ogg
Whatever This is a casual, laid-back sound with a nonchalant vibe and an easygoing attitude. mp3 m4r ogg
Gone chirpin' As if a cheeky bird has taken your attention and gone chirpin' into the sunset. mp3 m4r ogg
Maidenly A soft, short sound gently broke the silence, subtly hinting at an error, like a polite cough in a quiet room. mp3 m4r ogg
Alien technology The otherworldly sound filled the room with a sense of wonder and a hint of unease. mp3 m4r ogg